2024 WF Winners
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2024 Memberships

Albany Boardriders Membership is $30.00 for individuals or $100.00 per family and you will need to be a member to participate in any ABR event. Complete the following online form to sign up and become a member of this great club!!

Great day had by all at the 2020 Retro Comp. May have been a small field of competitors but you can't say they didn't have fun on old boards and tough waves.

Well done to the Blue Team - Daz, Michael, Sascha and Jack!!

Thanks as always to the judges, comps don't happen without you. Huge thank you to the canteen kids, top job cutting, cooking and serving! Thank you to the cake cooks and the coffee man, and thank you to the awesome spectators. Till next years Retro Comp...

Hang ten and stay cool dudes!